"You can't say that!"
He's leant back on the bed, laptop still on his raised knees, phone to his ear. I'm trying not to eavesdrop - but it's hard when I'm laid so close to him. I try hard to focus on my own laptop.
"You can't hate relationships though - I don't believe you."
A pause while the other person tries to argue. I know this tone of voice though - the voice of the true believer. I'd tell him that relationships are hard and painful... but I'm not listening!! Honest!
"No, cause like - where else are you going to get that comfort from?.... No, not friends - that's different. I mean, yeah, you need it from friends and everything - but I'm talking about, like, cuddling up with someone while you watch a film, falling asleep with them in your arms, waking to them kissing you..."
Now I really wish I could have not heard.
I'm glad that my eyes are watering constantly because of the coughing and sneezing; it hides when they start watering for other reasons. I'm lucky enough to be sniffling constantly just to try and breath - no one would suspect a thing. Heck, even I can't tell if I'm crying or not.
But it hurts. It shouldn't - but it does.
The conversation moves on to something else, and I can finally stop listening, because my own mind is stuck on those thoughts.
The thing is, I've got that being offered me. I've got someone practically throwing the offer of that comfort at me... and I just can't take it. Not from him. Does that make me a bad person?
He loves snuggling up to me, falling asleep with me, waking up with me...
... but I don't love it. I find it frustrating. You know those times when people have hold of you and you just want to peel them off and step back, brushing yourself off? Yeah - that's the one. That feeling of "Gerroff willya?"
It's not fair on him... but at the same time, my mothering response has kicked in. The whole "There there, come to mummy - she'll make it all better." He seems so hurt by everything at the minute - I just want to help. Why is that always twisted into something I don't want it to be?
I suppose it's just the position you put yourself in at times though.
I put myself into the position of being the carer - the lover - and then bitch about it. I shouldn't complain really. To be honest, I'm getting better at not complaining. Getting better at not hurting too.
Like - when we were filming for Dan, I was supposed to break down and cry. I thought - that's fine, heck! That's great! I'll get to let out all the pain that's just clinging to me, hiding beneath the surface behind a thinly held line of will.
But when it came to filming it, I just couldn't find the pain. I dragged memories to myself, wrapped them around me, let the feelings they had evoked wash through me. But that's all they did - wash through me.
It's as if I've learnt to let everything go in a wash of understanding. It doesn't really hurt any more. The pain is more like a shadow - a memory.
Part of me wonders if I just didn't feel safe/comfortable enough to let all of that raw emotion out alone with Dan and his camera. But then again, I barely cry any more. I go through the stage of nearly crying - maybe even loosing a few tears - but then something gives way in my mind, or my chest, and I just pull back together. I'd say I pull myself together - and sometimes I do - but mostly it does it on it's own.
The only thing that really cuts deep lately is the boyfriend/girlfriend thing.
I miss the comfort.
It's not the being held exactly - not the kissing - certainly not the sex. It's the knowing that the person you love with all your heart loves you back just as much. It's knowing that no matter what time of the day, you could text them, or they could text you, and it'll make you both smile. Thinking about them almost all the time, and knowing they're doing the same about you. It's walking into a shop, and being accosted by the absolute need to buy something, just because they'll like it. It's being surprised with flowers. It's...
It's all the things I've taught myself not to believe in.
Because I've taught myself that love isn't like that. It isn't romance, it isn't flowers, it isn't smiles and holding hands... it's just two people using a word to hide their fear behind - it's just an excuse to be with someone physically.
I always thought that I had a practical view on life, on love.
I thought that relationships were just give and take.
Then I met Li.
It's hard to think of myself as having my eyes opened; but I suppose that's what he did. He showed me completely by accident that "chivalry isn't dead"... no, more than that. He showed me that cynicism wasn't the only order of the day - and that true, real, actual caring and love was still real. Not just a fairy-tale.
In a way I'm jealous that he still has/had that. It's like a new-ness... like a flower that's only just blossomed and hasn't yet wilted under the heat and pressure of the sun.
I envied his ability to believe in happiness.
Now I'm just as hooked on the idea - if not as hopeful.
I'm scared though. Scared that this is just another ideal - another build up to a let down.
Even more scared that it IS real, and I'll just never get to experience it.
There's part of me that's so sure I'll watch my best friends find that perfect person -their Muirn Betha Dan - their soul mate - and that I'll be left behind, watching them in their glow of happiness, never able to find my own.
I used to believe I could feel my soul-mate you know.
I believed it so hard that sometimes I'd be laid in bed and it was as if he was holding my hand.
It was so real that I thought I could see his eyes when I closed mine. Feel his short dark hair in my fingers. Hear his voice call my name...
But it was only dreams. Those blue eyes don't really exist; though I'm sure I can convince myself another set of blue eyes are the ones I dreamt of years ago...
You know, I used to go all day (when I was younger) just waiting for the evening where I could curl up in bed and listen to him hum, imagine his hand stroking my hair, watch his hands pick up a guitar and start to play. He'd sing me to sleep. Now I don't even remember the sound of his voice.
All I remember is those eyes, and the sure knowledge that I had of recognising him through those eyes.
Part of me still clings to that dream.
Part of me wished I'd never had it.
I sound like such a pessimist!!
I shake myself in time to hear him hang up, and we resume our gaming.
It's odd, but part of me wants to say that apart from the 'waking to being kissed' thing, he just described his own relationship with (not only me, but) a hell of a lot of people. I don't though, because he'll say it's different, and I don't want to hear those words.
I want to be comforted like that, and for this moment my mind makes Li that comfort. He's the only one I feel comfortable enough around to actually want to snuggle up to and fall asleep. The only one I feel safe enough around to let go of those barriers... I don't want reminding that it isn't the same as love. It's the closest I've got, and right now I'm not ready to let go of the illusion.
My head is pounding now from more than just the head cold.
It's not just the longing for comfort that's making it throb, it's the non-verbal lashing my mind is giving me for feeling so weak as to need someone in that capacity.
Putting it like that makes it easier to push to one side.
Warrior Sophia does not need anyone. She is strong, and able, and independent!
For some reason it doesn't totally dispel the illusion, but the meaning behind it shifts in that subtle way, back to just friends. It's strange how it does that. I don't even notice it at times. I'll be with a friend, and I'll suddenly start thinking of them as a friend again - and it's only then that I realise that, for however short a period of time, I'd been assigning a different role to them. Often it's the role of boyfriend/girlfriend (dependant on gender) - but sometimes it's even pushing the terms 'nemesis' or 'challenge' or even a character from one of my novels onto them. As if my mind wanders and reality drifts away slowly, until it shifts back into a real perspective and I see the person again as they are, not just as I view them.
Maybe that doesn't make sense. Maybe it does. Maybe you've experienced it.
Either way, it happens; I glance sideways at my best friend and try to think of him as a boyfriend.
The comfort level is there... and thanks to drunken nights out I know he's a good kisser... he's also rather attractive... but...
I half laugh, half sigh. There's a point of friendship that you go past and past that point you're either friends for life, or you're lovers. We've passed that point, and I can feel it. No matter how attractive he is, and no matter how much of a crush I used to have on him, it's different now.
The reality of him as something other than a friend just doesn't quite compute.
It's right here - right in that moment - that I finally realise this.
Three years of fluctuating between 'we're just friends' and 'I want to marry you' - and they culminate right here, in this second, as I poke around at my own feelings, in a knowledge that we really will be friends forever. It's as if that love and longing has turned into something that's just... eternal.
I shake my head at my own flowery thoughts and return to the pressing issue of my Quest.
Part of me wants to share the revelation with him... but the slow clap I'd get for taking a year to catch up on what he already knew isn't worth it. It's not like I wasn't being as smart as him - but that's how it'll turn around; because feelings about each other are just not something we talk about. Not without laughing them off, or tucking them under a rug somewhere.
Not to mention part of me is sure this is what's known as a false epiphany.
Give it three weeks and the old cycle is sure to kick in. I know my life, and my hormones.
What's the betting that if I expect the cycle it wont happen, but if I don't it will?
Sod's law SAYS:: it's a definite. All bets are off.
The weirdest part about being Li's friend is how I've never really seen him as... well... human?
You know how some people just seem to glow with an aura that just makes them somehow amazing, or better... it's kinda like that. Almost unreal. Yet he's the realist person I know... does that mean my reality is skewed? Probably.
So it's hard to imagine him failing at anything, or not having everything he wants, or even thinking of him doing bad/wrong things. I mean, I know he does. I'm often there when it happens... but... somehow, it just doesn't sink in?
I mean, come on - he's The Doctor! He's fricken' Superman! (or, Generic Super Hero Man)... everyone know's Dr. Hurt is super-human.
I mean - did you see the lvl 62 spell he just cast?
Okay, maybe we've been spending too much time gaming. Maybe my reality was never stable in the first place. I don't know. Either way, when he says:
"In real life, I'd just cast a spell to do it..."
I have to giggle. It appears I'm not the only one with a skewed perspective on life.
I still have the boy issue to deal with... but it can wait.
There's also the whole insecurity about being unloved to deal with...
but again, it can wait. Exams and Coursework and Dissertations are looming.
Time to concentrate on the work, and let the social life take care of itself.
Blessed Be xx
He's leant back on the bed, laptop still on his raised knees, phone to his ear. I'm trying not to eavesdrop - but it's hard when I'm laid so close to him. I try hard to focus on my own laptop.
"You can't hate relationships though - I don't believe you."
A pause while the other person tries to argue. I know this tone of voice though - the voice of the true believer. I'd tell him that relationships are hard and painful... but I'm not listening!! Honest!
"No, cause like - where else are you going to get that comfort from?.... No, not friends - that's different. I mean, yeah, you need it from friends and everything - but I'm talking about, like, cuddling up with someone while you watch a film, falling asleep with them in your arms, waking to them kissing you..."
Now I really wish I could have not heard.
I'm glad that my eyes are watering constantly because of the coughing and sneezing; it hides when they start watering for other reasons. I'm lucky enough to be sniffling constantly just to try and breath - no one would suspect a thing. Heck, even I can't tell if I'm crying or not.
But it hurts. It shouldn't - but it does.
The conversation moves on to something else, and I can finally stop listening, because my own mind is stuck on those thoughts.
The thing is, I've got that being offered me. I've got someone practically throwing the offer of that comfort at me... and I just can't take it. Not from him. Does that make me a bad person?
He loves snuggling up to me, falling asleep with me, waking up with me...
... but I don't love it. I find it frustrating. You know those times when people have hold of you and you just want to peel them off and step back, brushing yourself off? Yeah - that's the one. That feeling of "Gerroff willya?"
It's not fair on him... but at the same time, my mothering response has kicked in. The whole "There there, come to mummy - she'll make it all better." He seems so hurt by everything at the minute - I just want to help. Why is that always twisted into something I don't want it to be?
I suppose it's just the position you put yourself in at times though.
I put myself into the position of being the carer - the lover - and then bitch about it. I shouldn't complain really. To be honest, I'm getting better at not complaining. Getting better at not hurting too.
Like - when we were filming for Dan, I was supposed to break down and cry. I thought - that's fine, heck! That's great! I'll get to let out all the pain that's just clinging to me, hiding beneath the surface behind a thinly held line of will.
But when it came to filming it, I just couldn't find the pain. I dragged memories to myself, wrapped them around me, let the feelings they had evoked wash through me. But that's all they did - wash through me.
It's as if I've learnt to let everything go in a wash of understanding. It doesn't really hurt any more. The pain is more like a shadow - a memory.
Part of me wonders if I just didn't feel safe/comfortable enough to let all of that raw emotion out alone with Dan and his camera. But then again, I barely cry any more. I go through the stage of nearly crying - maybe even loosing a few tears - but then something gives way in my mind, or my chest, and I just pull back together. I'd say I pull myself together - and sometimes I do - but mostly it does it on it's own.
The only thing that really cuts deep lately is the boyfriend/girlfriend thing.
I miss the comfort.
It's not the being held exactly - not the kissing - certainly not the sex. It's the knowing that the person you love with all your heart loves you back just as much. It's knowing that no matter what time of the day, you could text them, or they could text you, and it'll make you both smile. Thinking about them almost all the time, and knowing they're doing the same about you. It's walking into a shop, and being accosted by the absolute need to buy something, just because they'll like it. It's being surprised with flowers. It's...
It's all the things I've taught myself not to believe in.
Because I've taught myself that love isn't like that. It isn't romance, it isn't flowers, it isn't smiles and holding hands... it's just two people using a word to hide their fear behind - it's just an excuse to be with someone physically.
I always thought that I had a practical view on life, on love.
I thought that relationships were just give and take.
Then I met Li.
It's hard to think of myself as having my eyes opened; but I suppose that's what he did. He showed me completely by accident that "chivalry isn't dead"... no, more than that. He showed me that cynicism wasn't the only order of the day - and that true, real, actual caring and love was still real. Not just a fairy-tale.
In a way I'm jealous that he still has/had that. It's like a new-ness... like a flower that's only just blossomed and hasn't yet wilted under the heat and pressure of the sun.
I envied his ability to believe in happiness.
Now I'm just as hooked on the idea - if not as hopeful.
I'm scared though. Scared that this is just another ideal - another build up to a let down.
Even more scared that it IS real, and I'll just never get to experience it.
There's part of me that's so sure I'll watch my best friends find that perfect person -their Muirn Betha Dan - their soul mate - and that I'll be left behind, watching them in their glow of happiness, never able to find my own.
I used to believe I could feel my soul-mate you know.
I believed it so hard that sometimes I'd be laid in bed and it was as if he was holding my hand.
It was so real that I thought I could see his eyes when I closed mine. Feel his short dark hair in my fingers. Hear his voice call my name...
But it was only dreams. Those blue eyes don't really exist; though I'm sure I can convince myself another set of blue eyes are the ones I dreamt of years ago...
You know, I used to go all day (when I was younger) just waiting for the evening where I could curl up in bed and listen to him hum, imagine his hand stroking my hair, watch his hands pick up a guitar and start to play. He'd sing me to sleep. Now I don't even remember the sound of his voice.
All I remember is those eyes, and the sure knowledge that I had of recognising him through those eyes.
Part of me still clings to that dream.
Part of me wished I'd never had it.
I sound like such a pessimist!!
I shake myself in time to hear him hang up, and we resume our gaming.
It's odd, but part of me wants to say that apart from the 'waking to being kissed' thing, he just described his own relationship with (not only me, but) a hell of a lot of people. I don't though, because he'll say it's different, and I don't want to hear those words.
I want to be comforted like that, and for this moment my mind makes Li that comfort. He's the only one I feel comfortable enough around to actually want to snuggle up to and fall asleep. The only one I feel safe enough around to let go of those barriers... I don't want reminding that it isn't the same as love. It's the closest I've got, and right now I'm not ready to let go of the illusion.
My head is pounding now from more than just the head cold.
It's not just the longing for comfort that's making it throb, it's the non-verbal lashing my mind is giving me for feeling so weak as to need someone in that capacity.
Putting it like that makes it easier to push to one side.
Warrior Sophia does not need anyone. She is strong, and able, and independent!
For some reason it doesn't totally dispel the illusion, but the meaning behind it shifts in that subtle way, back to just friends. It's strange how it does that. I don't even notice it at times. I'll be with a friend, and I'll suddenly start thinking of them as a friend again - and it's only then that I realise that, for however short a period of time, I'd been assigning a different role to them. Often it's the role of boyfriend/girlfriend (dependant on gender) - but sometimes it's even pushing the terms 'nemesis' or 'challenge' or even a character from one of my novels onto them. As if my mind wanders and reality drifts away slowly, until it shifts back into a real perspective and I see the person again as they are, not just as I view them.
Maybe that doesn't make sense. Maybe it does. Maybe you've experienced it.
Either way, it happens; I glance sideways at my best friend and try to think of him as a boyfriend.
The comfort level is there... and thanks to drunken nights out I know he's a good kisser... he's also rather attractive... but...
I half laugh, half sigh. There's a point of friendship that you go past and past that point you're either friends for life, or you're lovers. We've passed that point, and I can feel it. No matter how attractive he is, and no matter how much of a crush I used to have on him, it's different now.
The reality of him as something other than a friend just doesn't quite compute.
It's right here - right in that moment - that I finally realise this.
Three years of fluctuating between 'we're just friends' and 'I want to marry you' - and they culminate right here, in this second, as I poke around at my own feelings, in a knowledge that we really will be friends forever. It's as if that love and longing has turned into something that's just... eternal.
I shake my head at my own flowery thoughts and return to the pressing issue of my Quest.
Part of me wants to share the revelation with him... but the slow clap I'd get for taking a year to catch up on what he already knew isn't worth it. It's not like I wasn't being as smart as him - but that's how it'll turn around; because feelings about each other are just not something we talk about. Not without laughing them off, or tucking them under a rug somewhere.
Not to mention part of me is sure this is what's known as a false epiphany.
Give it three weeks and the old cycle is sure to kick in. I know my life, and my hormones.
What's the betting that if I expect the cycle it wont happen, but if I don't it will?
Sod's law SAYS:: it's a definite. All bets are off.
The weirdest part about being Li's friend is how I've never really seen him as... well... human?
You know how some people just seem to glow with an aura that just makes them somehow amazing, or better... it's kinda like that. Almost unreal. Yet he's the realist person I know... does that mean my reality is skewed? Probably.
So it's hard to imagine him failing at anything, or not having everything he wants, or even thinking of him doing bad/wrong things. I mean, I know he does. I'm often there when it happens... but... somehow, it just doesn't sink in?
I mean, come on - he's The Doctor! He's fricken' Superman! (or, Generic Super Hero Man)... everyone know's Dr. Hurt is super-human.
I mean - did you see the lvl 62 spell he just cast?
Okay, maybe we've been spending too much time gaming. Maybe my reality was never stable in the first place. I don't know. Either way, when he says:
"In real life, I'd just cast a spell to do it..."
I have to giggle. It appears I'm not the only one with a skewed perspective on life.
I still have the boy issue to deal with... but it can wait.
There's also the whole insecurity about being unloved to deal with...
but again, it can wait. Exams and Coursework and Dissertations are looming.
Time to concentrate on the work, and let the social life take care of itself.
Blessed Be xx