Wednesday, 2 March 2011

proving love isn't just blind, it's bloody stupid

I sit quietly next to him, my fingers trailing lazily along the line of his neck.
The heat of his body next to me is like a fire, creeping slowly over my skin, permeating into the lower levels of my body, relaxing each muscle in turn. First my arm, then my leg start to unloosen and unfold beside him. My shoulder and stomach follow, neck and back relaxing into the cushions behind us; finaly the other side of my body joins in and only my head us left awake.
Something in me reminds my brain to stay in this moment, not float away. A dream threatens at the edge of my existence, enticing me in with its soft, bright colours and the promise of wonder.
Odd how when I'm alone sleep is some ominous threat of pain, conflict and intimidation, but when I'm snuggled up like this it seems like a cloud descending to take me away to heaven.

My head begins to droop as his hand strokes down my arm; my cheek sliding down to lay on his shoulder, eyes closing without permission.

Away from the world we float together in a sea of happiness so pure there aren't words to describe it.
Bliss has nothing on this moment.

As we lay together, simply existing with one another, the pains of my life melt away. Our lips meet, and the universe explodes. No one, no thing, no place or time can compare to this - to you.
Finally, finally I understand what this thing called love can really be, mean, feel like. Everything else was just a shadow.

This is what it really means to be truly happy. You... you are all that is, was, could be...

I am nothing, nothing but the echo of your smile.
My voice is a shadow of you lips.
My eyes a blink of your gaze.
My life a beat of your heart.
My world is you.

Waking in your arms should cement the deeam, but instead the illusion is shattered.
My dreams lay broken at your feet, and I claw back at the tears so you can't tell.

I can't stand loving you this much.
It breaks my heart every day, and even more every night.

I guess that proves love isn't just blind it's god damn stupid.

Love sucks.

Oh well.

Blessed be xx

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