Ah, yes - it's that time of year. That time where we set fire to things and watch them explode in the sky; when we drink and sing and make big plans.
Call me disillusioned, but I don't see why the first of January is so very important.
I mean, I get that it's a new year... that the end of one year has arrived, and a new one is all shiny and on the brink... but what's the big deal? It's just a random grouping of 365 days, we could celebrate a new year any time, it feels so arbitrary.
Then again, I feel as though every day should be treated on its own merits. We should celebrate every day with the same exuberance. Maybe not the fireworks, or the count down, but with that same sense of excitement and good intentions.
Maybe I'm becoming a cynic in my (not so) old age.
It's a week and a bit till I turn 22 now. I'm trying to look forward to it, but it just feels like another day.
It's not like when you turn 16 or 18 or 21, when your suddenly allowed to do more things. Life opening up before you. It's just another day after a while though.
Christmas was just another day this time round. Nothing seems special any more.
Maybe it's because things seem so much more special when I'm in Leicester with my friends. Grabbing a camera and going to film something, or swinging by studio to do some recording. Going for a walk by the river, swing by the gym for a little exercise, going dancing whenever we can come up with an excuse.
We. That's the key to it. The people are what make every day special.
Just having them close by, ready for a laugh, ready for anything. They just make it feel like everyday is a holiday.
Can you tell I miss them?
My best friend in particular. He's the one who makes everything so fun.
His drive and clarity, his pure excitement in the world, his dedication and determination... they give me hope. More than that, he inspires me.
Maybe one year we'll get to celebrate these 'special' days together, rather than pandering to the needs and desires of others. That way they'll actually feel special. Till then, I'm taking each day as it comes. A new day is just round the corner.
Here's to making every day better than the one before.
Here's to a new year. May it be a happy one.
Blessed Be xx
P.S. Check out the random rubbish I've been writing on L S Bland ^_^
I could never understand this laughing haroofurrah that everyone makes over the passing of each date. I was struck by your descriptor "arbitrary grouping of 365 days"; unfortunately, I believe it's something to do with the circulation of our merry planet around our indifferent star Sol.
ReplyDeleteKeep up your thoughtspouting.